If you are looking for an elearning developer, you are probably mainly focused on cost and quality. So, here are three other things to watch out for. They are certainly not the only three things but they are a good start.
- Make sure the developer will give you the source files. This is critically important because without those files, you will not be able to update or change anything. This is a non-negotiable.
- The developer tells you that you can only run the files off their LMS. And you might want to do that, at least for a while until you set up your own LMS. But you must have the choice.
- The developer can’t show you any samples or demos or testimonials. All of these should be easily available. If you can’t see their work, you don’t know what you are getting and there are wild variations in the quality and standard of elearning so this is really important.
If any of these raise red flags in your search, move on and find another developer. It will definitely be worth the extra time.