Mobile equipment procedures

About the client
Carey is a 100% Aboriginal owned company and is a leading mining and civil contractor servicing major clients in the resource, energy and government sectors. Carey has become an Indigenous leader in establishing and managing strategic alliances with clients, employees and suppliers. Carey provides a diverse means of sustainable economic participation for Indigenous Australians.
The problem
At Carey mining, new starters were inducted into the classroom and then required to become familiar with all relevant procedures. The new employees were given paper copies of all the procedures and asked to read each procedure and answer a number of questions to prove that they had read and understood the content. For mobile equipment related topics there were 12 documents with a further 5 documents for employees who were going to work on mine sites. With the length of the documents being up to 10 pages long, this was a time-consuming task, especially for those new employees who did not have much experience. The task was even more difficult for any employees with literacy challenges.
The solution
Carey partnered with Edge Learning Services to take all mobile equipment policies and procedures and develop an online learning solution. The content was developed in two 25 minute self-paced online training modules. The first module covered topics for all new employees while the second covered topics that were only required by mine site employees.
The outcome
The mobile equipment training is now delivered as a self-paced online course or in a group setting as a video module with paper-based questions for each participant. The time required for delivering the content is now significantly reduced and feedback has consistently been that it is easy to understand and answer the required questions, especially for those new employees with limited experience or literary issues.